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Linoleum or carpet flooring

Estimated cost: from 5 € / sq
We offer inexpensive high-quality linoleum and carpet installation in Tallinn. The work will be completed in a short time, in full compliance with technical requirements. You will love the neatness of the craftsmen, attentive attitude to work duties, saving finishing materials. It is impossible not to mention the pleasant cost of laying linoleum on the floor.. But you can cope with such work on your own.. Laying carpet or linoleum is a simple task, provided that the technologies recommended by manufacturers are followed.

How much does it cost to lay linoleum

Price calculation depends on several factors: - gender type (wood, concrete, plywood, etc.); - room size; - type of finishing material. Has the meaning, do you need to install commercial linoleum or ordinary household. Also to the prices for work, if you order the services of masters, do not lay the floors yourself, it is necessary to add the cost of the material.

How to lay linoleum correctly

Prepare the base first. Do not place material on dirty, crooked floor, which has cracks, all kinds of defects. There is a high risk of rapid deterioration of the floor covering, loss of flatness, which means - an attractive look. The material must not be laid down immediately after unwinding the roll.. He should lie down for at least a couple of days in a straightened state., to "forget" about twisting, take a natural shape. If you don't, nail the material right away, unwinding from the tube, in the future, it may lose smoothness, the floors will become ugly, bubbles will appear. When cutting, you can use any knives, stationery, shoemakers, etc.. the main thing is that they are sharp, easy to use. Cut like this, so that during preliminary adjustment, the material goes onto the skirting boards, and at the joints, if they are, there was a margin for an overlap of at least 5 centimeters. A more accurate fit is made after the "laying", carefully trimming off excess edges with a sharp knife. There are different opinions as to whether, whether it is necessary to glue the canvas to the base or is it enough just to nail it around the perimeter of the room. Many experts advise all the same to glue: otherwise, after a few seasons, the linoleum may swell, go unattractive folds. There are special adhesives on sale for this purpose., easy to use. You can fasten the canvases at the joints using a special T-bar (reliable way, but not too aesthetic, if you want to mask the seam areas). Also a good way is to use cold-weld glue..

How much does carpet installation cost?

The technology of this work is in many ways similar to the method of cutting and fastening other decks.. The price of laying carpet depends on the type of floor covering itself., basics, selected fastening method, on the size of the room, from some other factors. We offer an affordable cost for laying linoleum and carpet. How exactly the material is attached? Thin nails are common for this task, glue and even double-sided tape. When you need to lay the carpet as quickly as possible, or it is necessary to temporarily lay a decorative floor before the "global" renovation (if you bought a secondary), then it is even fixed with skirting boards and heavy furniture. But this method is only suitable for a temporary solution to the problem., so as not to waste time on dismantling. Certainly, base for laying carpet, as is the case with linoleum, should be flat, clean. Accuracy when cutting material contributes to success, using a sharp knife or scissors, leaving a margin at the edges and at the joints. Then there will be no problems with styling.. Almost anyone, able to work with tools, will be able to lay the carpet with his own hands. The price of this material is available, and the visual appeal and practicality are high. The same can be said for linoleum.. But if you are not sure, that you can independently cope with the flooring indoors, then call us to order this service. The company's specialists have been doing apartment renovation for a long time, and over the years have accumulated a lot of experience in terms of finishing works. Masters will complete the assigned tasks quickly and conscientiously.  



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